Neem tree is known by the the name
Azadirachta Indica, Indian lilac. The word neem origin from the Sanskrit word 'Nimsa' meangood health. Neem tree mainly grown in tropical and sub-tropicalregion. It is a fast growing tree whose height can reach upto 20-40 m with annual rainfall below 400 mm and required temperature in between 20-32 degree Celsius. While moving in school, park playground, public place, vilace, market street we see neem tree.Its branches are wide, stronge. It provides shelter and shady by its wide range.
Neem leaves, seed, bark, are used to
make medicine .Neem leave ale used in
Ayurvedic medicine to kill bacteria, fungal
infecton, eye disorder. Intestinal worms, liver problem, skin ucers and for many other purpose. Neem is used as a insecticides for mosquito repellent ,head lice,skin ulcers,skin disease. In chemically, neem leaves are now available in form of gel, soap,face cream and shampoo. Neemleaf are used to prevent pregnancy.
Neem seed are used as pesticides in
Neem seed oil are used as a body oil for skin disease and mak ng the skin softer.Neem oil has been shown to avert termite attack as an eco-friendly and economical agent. Neem has traditionally been usd as a type of tooth-cleaning twig and mouthwash to reduce the amount of paque on the teeth.
               In India, Neem young leave are fred in oil and it is eaten with Rice The taste of neem leave is so pungent which good fo health. Flowers of the neem tree are eaten as vegetable and pickled neem leaves are often cooked into curry dishes used in tomato and fish pastes. The dish name 'began bhaja' fried with neem leave.It is illegal to buy, sell or transport the plants or seed.


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